Acclimation Guidelines
We manage over 3500+ gallons at Liberty Reef! We strive to provide quality, pest free corals. Each frag is hand inspected before shipment as part of our quality assurance program!
That said - we recommend you dip your corals and quarantine your fish regardless of where you buy from! Below you can find more information on how to acclimate your new livestock with minimal stress!
1. Float coral containers for 10-20 minutes
2. Fill a container with saltwater and add your dip of choice - mix thoroughly.
3. Dip and inspect coral for a period of time according to your dip. We recommend Coral RX, Professor Polyps Bubble Bath, or an iodine based solution.
4. Rinse your coral in a separate container with fresh saltwater.
5. Add your new coral to a low flow, low light area of the tank for 24 hours to acclimate to lighting and tank chemistry.
NOTE: Sometimes certain corals may undergo stress during shipping - if you feel your coral is in an unstable status please do not dip your corals. This will stress them further and could cause death. Instead - temp acclimate and add directly to your tank and observe. Contact us if there are any issues.
1. Turn off your tank lights and float to temp acclimate for 10-20 minutes.
2. Place fish in an acclimation container like a large bowl or 5g bucket.
3. Add water every 3-5 minutes until salinity is matched to your tank. This should take no longer than 30 minutes. DO NOT DRIP ACCLIMATE - In our experience this causes more harm than good.
4. Add fish to an observation or QT tank and medicate as desired - or add to your display tank if no QT in place.